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Research Report

Financial Institution and Fintech Relationships: From Both Sides of the Table

Fintechs and financial institutions increasingly want to work at the same table together, but it's more important that they recognize that they’re actually on different sides of that table. That’s because they have different needs and different areas of dissatisfaction with the relationship.

What You'll Learn in this Report

  • Strategic Synergy: FIs and fintechs can profit together but need to address different needs and concerns.
  • Industry Challenges: Banks face tech challenges and competition, while fintechs need more customers and ROI certainty.
  • Future Outlook: Realistic collaboration is key; fewer, stronger financial institutions will emerge.
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About Cornerstone Advisors

At Cornerstone Advisors, our goal is to deliver tangible business impact to financial institutions and fintechs. We know that when institutions improve their strategies, technology, and operations, enhanced financial performance naturally follows. Because we live by the philosophy that businesses can’t improve what they don’t measure, we show banks and credit unions how to use laser-focused measurement to make smarter technology decisions.