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Seizing the Upper Hand in Contract Negotiations
An institution bound by unfavorable technology contract terms misses the opportunity to develop its tech stack and compete in the industry. Download this comprehensive guide on how to perform efficient, effective, and cost-saving negotiations so you can reinvest in what matters most to your bank or credit union.
Position your financial institution for successful contract negotiations.
Discover what is at stake, how to position your institution for the win, and what it means to have the upper hand at the negotiation table. Fill in the form below to begin your journey towards achieving real savings through contract negotiations.
Cornerstone Advisors surveyed 70 client banks and credit unions regarding their technology vendor contract negotiations. This study summarizes the findings and presents our recommendations for efficient, effective, and profitable contract negotiations.
is the amount a typical $5 billion bank could save
is the amount a $1 billion credit union could save
Looking ahead to 2022 and beyond, it is never too early to start preparing for your financial institution's next contract negotiation.
WHEN ASKED: How far in advance of the termination date does your FI typically begin renegotiations?
Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 year to 2 years
Over 2 years
What are you waiting for?
Just enter your information below and get this wealth of contract negotiation knowledge.