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M&A Solutions/Contract Negotiations Case Study

Sunflower Bank

Sunflower 2

Executive Overview

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Sunflower Bank is a fast-growing financial institution with $7 billion in assets. Over the years, it had established a reputation as a successful serial acquirer within the industry.


• Integration and conversion to Sunflower’s core system was on an accelerated schedule, which presented a higher potential risk profile 
• Sunflower had just made their largest acquisition to date and need expanded expertise to mitigate risk
• Regulatory approval delays that were out of the bank’s control



Results Achieved



Saved the bank $6.5 million through contract negotiations



Reduced risk profile, and faster value 
creation post-acquisition despite regulatory delays




Maintained seamless customer satisfaction and operational efficiency throughout the transition


Want to Know the Full Story? Download the Case Study.

Want to Know the Full Story? Download the Case Study.