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Contract Negotiations Case Study

Synovus Financial Corp.

Cornerstone Advisors Case Study - Synovous

Executive Overview

Synovus Financial Corp. is a US-based financial institution with $65 billion in assets. The company operates in 263 locations across Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee. Synovus offers commercial and retail banking, investment services, and wealth management.


• Need to negotiate a more favorable internet banking system contract
• Contracts had to be addressed across multiple business units
• Wanted a “reset” of the vendor relationship for better responsiveness, support of future growth
• Needed to break exclusivity agreement


Cornerstone Contract Negotiation and Renewal services to negotiate new contract terms


Results Achieved



Achieved a 19% savings all-in across the board




Launched a new Money-as-a-service technology (Maast) within a year after the negotiation




Improved and restructured SLAs between client and vendor


Want to Know the Full Story? Download the Case Study.

Want to Know the Full Story? Download the Case Study.