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Research Report 

Vendor Management: How Banks and Credit Unions Can Gain a Competitive Edge

Download this comprehensive guide and discover the 6 key steps you must take to implement an effective vendor management program at your financial institution.

What You'll Learn in this Report

  • Reduce Expenses: Align vendors with strategic goals, consolidate agreements and optimize contracts.
  • Control Risk: Handle due diligence, audits, contingency planning and exit strategies.
  • Increase Agility: Identify scalable partnerships and explore new solutions.
  • Boost Efficiency: Standardize processes, integrate systems and automate workflows

What's at Stake


is the amount a typical $5 billion bank could save per year


is the amount a $1 billion credit union could save per year

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About Cornerstone Advisors

At Cornerstone Advisors, our goal is to deliver tangible business impact to financial institutions and fintechs. We know that when institutions improve their strategies, technology, and operations, enhanced financial performance naturally follows. Because we live by the philosophy that businesses can’t improve what they don’t measure, we show banks and credit unions how to use laser-focused measurement to make smarter technology decisions.